Tonight was the annual Christmas Stroll and Parade down Central Avenue in Great Falls, Montana. This was our first attendance at this event since we moved here just this past April 2009. I struck up a conversation with a fellow watcher about how this small town apparently has a huge affection for the young ladies of this town being baton twirlers. They were the beginning of the parade and seemed to go on for miles. Bless them for marching, twirling, and freezing to entertain.

To make everyone feel more in the spirit of things, the weather was in wintry performance and the cold has just kept pouring on more and more since leaving the festivities a little early due to my kids being uncomfortable. (We had a talk about putting on more layers and being prepared for cold weather while driving home.)

Now everything is covered with white powdery snow and I don't know how many inches are expected to fall through the night. I have a feeling we will be staying indoors tomorrow.

I will have to pull out my Aunt Grace quilt top and get to work on finishing the embroidery borders. This has been my procrastination remark for some time in waiting for a good wintry snow to fall to inspire me to pick this project up again.
Stay warm and have a wonderful weekend!

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