The past couple of months, my husband's pets have grown in size and number. He is so funny at how much he studies online to find out all the information on his hobby.
Each one of his fish have dispositions much like humans. It is fascinating to watch how they interact with each other.
Their shapes, colors, and pattern design on their bodies are spectacular. I can't name all of the different names of his fish, but I do know two of them are Oscars, two of them are Jack Dempsey, one is a Plecostamus (the algae eater), and one is a type of Cyclid.
He only has given one a special name: Goldie. This one seems more delicate, but can hold its own in the tank.
The kids and I have recently made a suggestion of getting a few more fish with some different coloring to add more of a variety in the tank. We are suggesting maybe a pretty green or blue addition.
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