Here are some photos of ornaments I have been stitching lately:
Working on getting in the holiday spirit? Well, I found a blog spot on some tips for hot chocolate and thought I would share them with you.
My family has been playing it very low key this season as my husband has been out of town for weeks and weeks with only a short visit for Thanksgiving. We will all be so glad for his return this coming Wednesday.
I have been stitching and sewing odds and ends. I have been stirring around in projects and actually getting some things done. As the end of the year comes so do memories from this life changing 2010. My family has experiences ups and downs, additions and losses. We have grown in many ways, and yet I find it hard to believe I have two teenagers in my house -- ages 13 and 16. As well as my baby is turning 11 next week and he is taller than the rest of us.
Hope you are in a GOOD place this holiday season and taking things easy and slow. It will all get done, even the baking!! (I have been enjoying baking banana breads and pumpkin breads this past couple of weeks. Something new for me.)
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