Last week I had spoken with my neighbor friend on the phone and mentioned that the rose bush she gave me for my May Day birthday had some lovely blooms not quite open on it. She then came over a day or so later while walking her fluffy pooch and got to chatting while outside.
I had to shoot a picture over to her through Facebook of the sweet first rose. Just beautiful -- which is exactly what the name ROSE means.
While visiting outside my next door neighbor came out of his house and we all spoke briefly. He happened to mention that I should harvest the rhubarb from a plant that comes up every year. Not knowing much about what to do, both neighbors were very instructive on how to harvest and prepare it.
Me being the talkative one in the house, I came indoors and told my husband about the rhubarb. He decided take the project on this weekend and we have ended up with some wonderful strawberry rhubarb pies. While enjoying a piece, Fred told me about how his mother used to make them and family would make special requests of her. It has been a little over a year since she passed away but each of us mention her often.
So here is hoping your summer has some strawberry rhubarb pie in it!!!!
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